Histochemical changes and apoptosis in degenerating taste buds of the rat circumvallate papilla.

The present study was designed to examine the histochemical changes and occurrence of apoptosis in taste buds of rat circumvallate papillae following bilateral transection of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Following transection of the glossopharyngeal nerve, the number of taste buds was not altered until post-operative day 3 (PO3), but decreased significantly thereafter. The number of cells within a taste bud, however, decreased significantly from PO2. In normal, uninjured animals, approximately 15.4%, 9.0%, and 7.7% of taste bud cells were labeled with antibodies for phospholipase C β2 subunit (PLCβ2), a marker for type II cells, neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), a marker for type III cells, and Jacalin, a marker for type IV cells, respectively. Following gustatory nerve injury, the ratio of cells expressing markers of type III and type IV decreased gradually from PO2, and Jacalin-labeled taste bud cells disappeared on PO3. Under normal conditions, immunoreactivity for single-strand DNA (ssDNA), a marker of apoptosis, was detected in the nuclei of PLC β2-immunoreactive cells and cells showing no labeling for PLCβ2, NCAM, or Jacalin. On PO1, the number of taste bud cells showing ssDNA immunoreactivity increased to double that of normal uninjured animals; these ssDNA-immunoreactive cells were also labeled with NCAM and Jacalin as well as PLCβ2. The present results suggest that denervation of the gustatory nerve causes apoptosis in all types of taste bud cells, resulting in the rapid degeneration of taste buds.
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