Simulation of sparse matrix array designs

Matrix phased array probes become more and more prominent to be used in industrial applications. The main drawbacks, using probes incorporating a very large number of transducer elements, are the needs for an appropriate cabling and an ultrasonic device offering many parallel channels. Matrix arrays designed for extended functionality feature at least 64 or more elements. Typical arrangements are square matrices, e.g. 10 by 10 or 11 by 11 or rectangular matrices, e.g. 8 by 16 or 10 by 12 to fit a 128-channel phased array system. In some phased array systems, the number of simultaneous active elements is limited to a certain number, e.g. 32 or 64. Those setups do not allow to run the probe with all elements active which may cause a significant change in the directivity pattern of the resulting sound beam. When only a subset of elements is possible to use during a single acquisition, different strategies may be applied to collect enough data for rebuilding the missing information from the echo signal. Omission of certain elements may be one approach, overlay of subsequent shots with different active areas may be another one. This paper presents the influence of decreased number of active elements on the sound field and their distribution on the array. An example for 16 active elements out of 121 is given in Figure 1. The sound field divergence and its shape basically remain the same, while the sensitivity is reduced and the amplitudes of the speckle-like side lobes increase significantly. Solutions using subsets with different element activity patterns on matrix arrays and their advantages and disadvantages concerning the sound field are evaluated using semi-analytic simulation tools. Sound field criteria regarding the consequences for NDT test results and the system setup are discussed.
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