The spectrum of X-band radiation backscattered from the sea surface

A coherent radar was used to measure the ‘sea clutter’ or backscattering of X-band electromagnetic energy from the sea surface. More than 200 recorded samples of clutter were analyzed to give power spectra of the clutter. Each spectrum was displayed as a function of frequency and of position on the water surface and was also averaged to give the mean spectrum of patches 3750 feet long. Five of the samples showed an anomalous downwind displacement of the clutter by as much as 7 knots. The displays indicate again, as in earlier Control Systems Laboratory measurements, that the upwind edge of the clutter spectrum is smooth for all wind speeds observed, but that the downwind edge, for sea state 3 or above, is broadened in an irregular fashion as a function of range. This irregular broadening implies a considerable variability, from patch to patch, in the downwind side of the probability distribution of velocity of scatterers on the sea surface. The width at half-power of a mean spectrum is proportional, for reasonable assumptions, to the width at half-maximum of the probability distribution of scatterer velocities. The variation of the latter width, Δ0, with sea state can be represented by the equation (expressed in consistent units) Δ0=11H1/3/Tm where the numerical factor is dimensionless, H1/3 is the significant wave height, and Tm is the period corresponding to the maximum of the energy spectrum for the water waves themselves when this spectrum is plotted as a function of frequency. This equation fits the experimental data within about 10 per cent for bandwidths in the range of 2 to 5 knots (64 to 160 cps) and wind speeds in the range of 8 to 19 knots. The bandwidth of the clutter is found to be approximately proportional to the wind speed. The relationships of clutter bandwidths to wave and whitecap velocities, radar depression angle, and wind direction are also discussed.
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