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Hypnotherapy in Frigidity

Hypnotherapy was used as the method of treatment in seventy-six cases of frigidity with seventy-two of them showing rather dramatic improvement, Direct hypnotic suggestion as well as hypnoanalysis were both used in securing these results. The effects of this treatment are presented in tabulation form, are discussed in detail and show hypnotherapy to be a very effective method of treatment. Eisenstein (l), Kroger and Freed (2) as well as English and Finch (3) agree in effect that frigidity is the inability of a woman to obtain sexual climax from coitus. While a study of the etiology is not within the scope of this paper, we will briefly list the causes of this condition. Kroger and Freed (2) state that organic factors cause pseudo-frigidity, while psychogenic factors cause true frigidity. They list those of the latter group as 1) sexual inhibitions as caused by conflicting loves (of father, self and other women instead of love for the husband), 2) unconscious resentment and hostility with a desire for revenge Dased on the castration complex, or a wish to get revenge on men for “all the suffering mother endured.” Included here are the homosexuals, the aggressive hypercritical women, the agitative “female champions” and the espousers of virginity, the gold diggers, prostitutes and nymphomaniacs. (The writer would also include in this group the resentments
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