Análise comparativa dos antecedentes e dimensões do brand equity entre marcas de fabricantes e marcas próprias no setor de vestuário A comparative analyses of antecedents and dimensions of brand equity between brands and private labels in the clothing sector

This paper is about the identification and evaluation of antecedents and determinants of brand equity (BE). Among these antecedents are the firms' marketing strategies that are developed based on their marketing mix, and the determinants include both the dimension of BE and the variables related to clothing brand and consumers'buying behaviour. The general objective is to carry out a comparative analysis of the antecedents and determinants of brand equity in the clothing sector between brands and private labels. Therefore, a literature review of marketing and branding was carried out to establish the conceptual framework, constructs, variables, and metrics. The primary data were obtained from a survey with an accessible random sample of 571 shoppers of three shopping malls, and four public institutions: three universities, and one college, in the city of Fortaleza-Brazil. The data analysis and hypothesis testing were conducted using the structural equation modelling (SEM). The results analysis show that the influence of antecedents on the determinants and on BE is similar either for the manufacturing company brands or private labels. The exceptions are the influence of distribution intensity on brand loyalty, the influence of brand association on BE, which were statistically significant in the case of manufacturing company brands and were not significant in the case of private label companies, and the influence of advertising spending on brand loyalty, which was not statiscally significant in the case of manufacturing company brands and was significant in the case of private label companies. Based on these results, company managers in this sector can adapt their marketing strategies focusing on the creation/improvement of clothing brand equity according to the relative importance of the antecedents and determinants of BE. Resumo: Este artigo trata da identificacao e avaliacao do impacto dos antecedentes e determinantes do brand equity (BE). Entre estes antecedentes, encontram-se os esforcos de marketing da empresa, contemplados no seu mix de marketing, enquanto que, entre os determinantes, incluem-se tanto as dimensoes do BE quanto variaveis que refletem o comportamento pessoal em relacao a marcas de vestuario. O objetivo geral e efetuar uma analise comparativa, entre marcas de fabricantes (brands) e marcas de varejistas (private labels), dos antecedentes e determinantes do valor das marcas (BE) de produtos de vestuario. Para tanto, revisou-se a literatura de marketing e branding, a qual possibilitou a definicao do quadro conceitual, bem como, dos construtos, variaveis e respectivas metricas. Os dados primarios foram obtidos a partir de um survey realizado com uma amostra aleatoria por acessibilidade de 571 consumidores em diferentes locais. A analise dos dados e testes das hipoteses foi efetuada por meio da modelagem de equacoes estruturais (MEE). A analise dos resultados demonstrou que a influencia dos antecedentes sobre os determinantes e destes sobre BE sao semelhantes para marcas de fabricantes e de varejistas. As excecoes ficaram por conta da influencia de intensidade da distribuicao sobre a lealdade das marcas e da determinacao da variavel associacoes as marcas sobre BE, que foram significativas no caso dos fabricantes e nao significativas no caso dos varejistas; e da influencia dos gastos em propaganda sobre a lealdade das marcas, que apresentou resultado inverso. Com esses resultados, os gestores de empresas do setor podem reconhecer como adaptar as estrategias de marketing para a criacao/crescimento do brand equity de acordo com a importância relativa de antecedentes e dimensoes do BE. Palavras-chave: Brand equity. Marketing mix. Industria de vestuario.
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