Оценка защитно-приспособительных реакций плодовых культур на температурные стрессы зимне-весеннего периода (на примере сортов персика в Краснодарском крае)

Work was carried out to evaluate the protective and adaptive reactions of fruit crops to the temperature stresses of the winter-spring period (using peach varieties as an example in the Krasnodar Territory). Peach is one of the most demanding crops for temperature stresses of the winter-spring period. The levels of destructive air temperatures (oС) for fl owering buds of 3 peach varieties were elaborated: Collins, a medium frost resistance; Favourite Morretini, an Italian variety of low frost resistance;  Sochny, a variety of breeding Nikita Botanical Gardens with high frost resistance in phases of winter-spring development. The study covers two long periods (1985-2000 and 2001-2019) in three horticultural zones of the Krasnodar Territory – the Kuban horticultural zone (Krasnodar weather station), Piedmont zone (Goryachy Klyuch weather station), Steppe zone (Tikhoretsk weather station). The manifestations of destructive low temperatures were revealed for each analyzed variety for each period in each studied horticultural zone. The reactions of varieties to destructive temperature stresses of the winterspring period in time and space of the Krasnodar Territory are shown. It has been established that against the background of exposure to environmental limiting factors (low temperatures in the winter-spring period) in the development of fl ower buds of peach varieties under conditions of climate fl uctuations, there’s a change going on in the spectra (sets) of gene products that determine the one and the same quantitative trait – frost resistance, which leads to change the ranks of varieties on this basis. It was determined that in the present time, Sochny variety should be placed in the Kuban, Piedmont and Steppe zones. Favourite Morretini and Collins can be successfully grown in Kuban zone. The results of the research allowed us to make recommendations on the rational placement of peach varieties, taking into account their protective and adaptive reactions to the stresses of the winter-spring period.
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