Telephone consultation service in orthopedics during COVID-19 pandemic./ Consultoría telefónica en COT durante la pandemia por COVID-19. ¿Ha venido para quedarse?

BACKGROUND AND AIM: The current COVID-19 pandemic scenario has driven surgical departments to a transformation. The worldwide spread of the disease has led to a public health quarantine where health care professionals are at high risk of infection. In this context, telemedicine has been promoted and scaled up to reduce the risk of transmission. This study aims to demonstrate that a combined framework based on telematics and in-person clinical encounter not only ensures medical care but the safety of healthcare professionals and patients. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Descriptive observational study on the follow-up of patients during the COVID19 Pandemic, combining telephone and traditional. RESULTS: A total of 5031 telephone calls were made, differentiating between medical referrals, specialized primary care visits, and outpatient consultation. They were classified as successful, required an in-person visit, or no successful telephone contact. Furthermore, we divided them into 2 groups: resolved and unresolved. 53% of all telematic visits were successful. CONCLUSIONS: Telematic medical systems are a feasible option in a orthopedics department and an interesting resource to preserve once the pandemic is resolved. Future lines of research should be opened to improve system success, analyze its cost-effectiveness ratio, and correct any legal conflicts that may exist.
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