Estimation of Carrying Capacity in Historic City of Yazd for Walking Tourists during Nowruz Holidays

The purpose of this study is to estimate the physical, real, and effective tourism carrying capacity of one of the three pathways defined for walking tourists based on the Historic City of Yazd document in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In recent years, this pathway has been renovated. Mass arrival of tourists select it because of its older and larger number of historical buildings, boutique hotels and handicraft stores. In this research, a library-documentary approach, together with an analytical method, has been implemented. The data was collected from official sources and field studies as well as the data was consolidated by convening a panel of professionals. The total area of the main tourism pathway was first calculated using AutoCAD software based on urban map and, along with other information required in carrying capacity formulas, was embedded. Then, the number of allowed visitors was estimated based on existing limitations. The research findings show that the number of visitors in this area, based on official statistics, is far from its carrying capacity. Thereby, it is suggested that for high seasons, Nowruz Holidays in particular, measures should be taken to control the crowd of this area such as developing alternative tourism attractions, leading the crowding population towards other pathways, planning distribution of tours, specifying time limit for tours, increasing the time spent visiting the site in the first half of the year, enhancing qualities of urban spaces, as well as organizing tour guides and local trained people to manage tourists.
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