Eliminating world poverty: Building our common future.

The White Paper represents a fundamental shift in the way the UK delivers development aid refocusing resources onto fragile countries and for the first time treating security and justice as a basic service alongside health education water and sanitation. Fifty per cent of new bilateral funding will be committed to fragile countries. Key announcements in Building our Common Future include: A renewed commitment to 0.7 per cent of UK Gross National Income (GNI) for international development meaning a contribution of £9bn per year by 2013; Measures to reduce maternal mortality rates and potentially save the lives of six million mothers and babies by 2015; Plans to support over eight million more children in Africa to go to school; Doubling of funding to £1bn for African infrastructure including transport energy and trade in the region; A tripling of funding to support developing countries to recover stolen assets and new resources to Interpol as part of a major effort to stamp out corruption; Increased investment in the Central Emergency Response Fund for humanitarian aid at the UN.
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