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Dehn Surgery on Knots

In [D], Dehn considered the following method for constructing 3-manifolds: remove a solid torus neighborhood N(K) of some knot X in the 3-sphere S and sew it back differently. In particular, he showed that, taking X to be the trefoil, one could obtain infinitely many non-simply-connected homology spheres o in this way. Let Mx = S —N(K). Then the different resewings are parametrized by the isotopy class r of the simple closed curve on the torus oMK that bounds a meridional disk in the re-attached solid torus. We denote the resulting closed oriented 3-manifold by MK(), and say that it is obtained by r-Dehn surgery on X. More generally, one can consider the manifolds ML(*) obtained by r-Dehn surgery on a fc-component link L = Xi U • • • U Kk in S, where r = (r\,..., ;>). It turns out that every closed oriented 3-manifold can be constructed in this way [Wal, Lie]. Thus a good understanding of Dehn surgery might lead to progress on general questions about the structure of 3-manifolds. Starting with the case of knots, it is natural to extend the context a little and consider the manifolds M(r) obtained by attaching a solid torus V to an arbitrary compact, oriented, irreducible (every 2-sphere bounds a 3-ball) 3-manifold M with dM an incompressible torus, where r is the isotopy class (slope) on dM of the boundary of a meridional disk of V. We say that M(r) is the result of r-Dehn filling on M. An observed feature of this construction is that
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