Behandlung enterovesikaler Fisteln beim Mann : Gestielte Blasenlappenplastik (Leitthema)

Genitourinary fistulae represent a rare condition for patients submitted to salvage radiotherapy due to local tumour relapse after radical prostatectomy. Nevertheless, it is associated with great morbidity and in many cases with repetitive surgeries limiting their quality of life. Many techniques have been proposed to reduce the incidence of early and late postsurgical complications, but up to now a safe and unique method to treat this disease has not been reported in the literature. Here we report on three cases of male patients who developed a vesicoenteric fistula after radiation salvage therapy following radical prostatectomy. A rotation bladder flap was used to cover the pelvic floor attempting to reduce the common complications. All of the patients underwent a urinary diversion and a protective colostomy. The 1-year follow-up showed good postsurgical outcomes with minor early complications and no signs of intestinal obstruction or recurrent fistula. Furthermore, perineal and pelvic pain improvement was also achieved.The small number of cases is a limiting factor in defining standard techniques for the treatment of actinic vesicoenteric fistulae. Nevertheless, the use of a rotational bladder flap for repair of the pelvic floor defect has shown promising results and should be indicated in special situations.
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