Resource Management in the Highly Automated Airspace System

The introduction of highly sophisticated, glass cockpit aircraft has profoundly affected the flightdeck environment, and has changed the nature of crew resource management (CRM). CRM and decision making in advanced aircraft are qualitatively different from the same processes in older fleets. Automation also alters the nature of interaction among crewmembers, and between crewmembers and Air Traffic Control (ATC) These differences would seem to necessitate special training and procedures for CRM in glass cockpits. Moreover, training for managing automation cannot be merely an added module in current CRM programs. The effects of automation pervade throughout all aspects of resource management.Coincidentally, advances in the air traffic control system are altering the modern airspace environment. In the not-too-distant future, it will be possible for ATC computers to generate or amend clearances, which the Air Traffic Manager will send to the aircraft via datalink. The aircraft FMS (flight management system) ...
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