Analytical study on shear wave propagation in anisotropic dry sandy spherical layered structure

Abstract An analytical study on the propagation characteristics of shear wave in a spherical layered structure comprising of an isotropic sandy material medium covered by a concentric spherical transversely isotropic sandy material layer of finite thickness has been carried out in the present work. The source of excitation for wave propagation is considered in the outer layer and the analytical treatment with contour integration and Fourier-Legendre Expansion theorem is utilized to accomplish closed form of dispersion relation. Further, Debye Asymptotic Expansion analysis is used to deal the complication caused by the inclusion of Bessel's function, Hankel's function and their derivatives in the solution procedure. With help of Debye Asymptotic Expansion analysis, the obtained dispersion relation converts in the form of elementary functions and found to be in well-agreement with pre-established and classical results through the particular cases. Numerical computations are done to illustrate the influence of the affecting parameters (anisotropy, sandiness and radii ratio) on dispersion curves graphically. Moreover, to expose the impact of anisotropy, numerical data of three distinct transversely isotropic materials (Magnesium, Zinc and Beryl) are taken into the account to establish the comparative study with isotropic material which serves the major highlights of the present study.
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