Data for molecular dynamic simulations in the OPLSAA force field: Partial charges of cholesterol, C7-hydroxycholesterol and C7-hydroperoxycholesterol, torsional parameters for the hydroperoxy group of C7-hydroperoxycholesterol.

Abstract This data article contains partial charges generated for cholesterol, C7-hydroxycholesterol and C7-hydroperoxycholesterol and torsional parameters for hydroperoxy of C7-hydroperoxycholesterol for molecular dynamic simulations in the OPLSAA force field [1] using the package Gromacs [2] . The hydroperoxy group remained unparameterized in the OPLSAA force field and the parameters obtained have the potential for re-use in similar simulations. The atom-centred point charges on each sterol molecule were derived using the restrained electrostatic potential (RESP) approach [3] . The parameters for the C7-OET-OH-HO and C8-C7-OET-OH torsion angles were derived by fitting the parameters of the torsional term (Ryckaert-Bellemans function) of the OPLSAA potential energy function to the quantum mechanical rotational energy profile calculated at CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ level of theory. This article presents data used in the research article “Chirality affects cholesterol-oxysterol association in water, a computational study” [4] .
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