Studies on standardization of recipe for sapota nectar and its storage

Nectar from sapota cv. Kalipatti with varying juice levels (20, 25 and 30%), TSS (15 and 18°Brix) and acidity (0.3%) was prepared and evaluated for changes in chemical and sensory qualities at 0, 3 and 6 months of storage at room temperature. The increase in TSS, reducing sugars, total sugars and pH with decrease in titratable acidity were noticed during storage irrespective of treatments. As the juice content increased to 30 per cent in the nectar with 15 or 18°Brix TSS, the nectar showed higher values of reducing sugars. The nectar prepared with higher TSS and juice content exhibited higher level of total sugars than those with low TSS and juice level. The nectar prepared with 25 per cent juice and 18°Brix TSS had the highest overall acceptability and remained at par with the nectar having 20 per cent juice and 18°Brix TSS. A decline in acceptability of nectar in terms of colour, flavour, texture and taste was observed during entire period of storage.
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