High-throughput fingerprinting of bacterial artificial chromosomes using the SNaPshot labeling kit and sizing of restriction fragments by capillary electrophoresis

Abstract We have developed an automated, high-throughput fingerprinting technique for large genomic DNA fragments suitable for the construction of physical maps of large genomes. In the technique described here, BAC DNA is isolated in a 96-well plate format and simultaneously digested with four 6-bp-recognizing restriction endonucleases that generate 3′ recessed ends and one 4-bp-recognizing restriction endonuclease that generates a blunt end. Each of the four recessed 3′ ends is labeled with a different fluorescent dye, and restriction fragments are sized on a capillary DNA analyzer. The resulting fingerprints are edited with a fingerprint-editing computer program and contigs are assembled with the FPC computer program. The technique was evaluated by repeated fingerprinting of several BACs included as controls in plates during routine fingerprinting of a BAC library and by reconstruction of contigs of rice BAC clones with known positions on rice chromosome 10.
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