Perfil de flexibilidad de la extremidad inferior en jugadores senior de balonmano Normative data of Lower-limb muscle flexibility in senior handball players Perfil de flexibilidade de membros inferiores em jogadores de handebol de alto nível

portes. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to define the normative lower-limb flexibility data in senior handball players. For it, the flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated throughout 7 different peak joint ROM assessment tests (iliopsoas, quadriceps, adductors, hamstrings, gluteus, gas- trocnemius, soleus). 56 senior handball players with more than 9 years of sports experience took part in this study. The results of this study define the normative data as: 41,2o for the gastrocnemius, 43,1o for the soleus, 147,8o for the gluteus, 82,9o for the hamstrings, 47,5o for the adductors, 18,5o for the iliopsoas, and 125,2o for the quadriceps. The results of the current study demonstrate that the senior handball players assessed have higher normative data of lower-limb flexibility than the previously stabilised fle - xibility normative data for general population, healthy sedentary adults, as well as for recreationally active adults. Likewise, the normative lower-limb flexibility data for senior handball players are higher or similar than those reported for other sport (tennis, soccer, long distance runners), except for hamstring and iliopsoas flexibility. Finally, no significant differences were found between dominant and non-dominant leg and therefore contra late-
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