Effect of nutrients on physiological characters of Bermuda grass as a lawn grass

Response of Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon local (C1) and Cynodon dactylon hybrid (C2) to varying levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and vermicompost were studied in terms of physiological characters at Assam Agricultural University. The experiment was laid out in Split Plot Design. Experimental results revealed that physiological characters were significantly influenced by treatment, cultivar and their interaction effect. The N, P, K and vermicompost application increased chlorophyll content, relative leaf water content and relative growth rate which finally enhanced the quality characters like aesthetically pleasing colour, resiliency and rigidity etc. Cultivar C2 was better than cultivar C as it resulted highest total chlorophyll content (1.607 mg/g), relative growth rate (2.59x10−2 g/g/day), leaf relative water content (77.97%), The highest fertilizer dose (60: 60: 60 g/m2 N: P: K) gave more optimum results in both the cultivars of Cynodon dactylon.
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