Relevance . The Navy of Russia and the Ground Forces of Russia recieve new kinds of weapons, hence high requirements to the somatic and mental health of the conscripts. Intention : To analyze morbidity in conscripts of the Russian Navy and the Ground Forces in 2003–2018. Methodology . A selective statistical analysis was performed using medical reports on the state of health of personnel and activities of the medical service according to Form 3 / MED in military units, in which about 60 % of the total number of conscripts of the Armed Forces of Russia served in 2003–2018. Commonly accepted medical and statistical morbidity indicators were analyzed by disease categories of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems, 10th revision. Results and Discussion . The average annual morbidity rates were (1833.3 ± 84.9) ‰ in conscripts of the Russian Navy and (2008.,0 ± 102.4) ‰ in conscripts of the Russian Ground Forces; primary morbidity rates were (1019.9 ± 54,8) and (1014.0 ± 79.2) ‰, respectively; the need for case follow up was (166.5 ± 19.0) and (128.2 ± 8.1) ‰, respectively; hospital admissions were (968.5 ± 71.3) and (1033.5 ± 89.6) ‰, respectively; work days lost (13,166 ± 7.99) and (11,104 ± 595) ‰, respectively (p < 0.01); dismissal rates were (33.38 ± 1.79) and (18.28 ± 1.66) ‰, respectively; mortality rates were (24.87 ± 5.12) and (50.67 ± 7.84) per 100 thou sand conscripts of the respective cohort (p < 0.05). With determination coefficients of various significance, the polynomial trends show an increase in primary and general morbidity, hospital admissions and work days lost, as well as decrease in dismissal rates and mortality rates. The trends in almost all morbidity types are moderately and statistically significantly consistent, suggesting the influence of uniderectional factors, for example, military professional ones. There is a functional consistency between mortality trends in Russian male population aged 20–24 and conscripts of the Russian Navy and Ground Forces (r = 0.83 and 0.87; p < 0.001), thus suggesting the influence of uniderectional factors, for example, of macro social, behavioural or other nature. In the co horts of conscripts under study, the leading disease categories from military epidemiological point of view were similar: respiratory diseases (ICD 10 category X) ranked 1st; injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (XIX) ranked 2nd; mental and behavioural disorders (V) ranked 3rd; diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (XII) ranked 4th; diseases of the digestive system (XI) ranked 5th. In conscripts, the leading diseases from military epidemiological point of view were as follows: acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract (J00–J06 by ICD 10); head injuries (S00–S09); injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region (T00–T07); diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum (K20–К31). In the Navy conscripts, neurotic and stress related and somatoform disorders (F40–F48) played an important role; in conscripts of the Ground Forces, infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00–L08). Conclusion . Prevention, timely treatment and rehabilitation will help improve the health status of conscripts. Taking into account the rates and structure of morbidity will optimize allocation of resources the medical service of the Armed Forces of Russia.
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