Sn-Mesoporphyrin Interdiction of Severe Hyperbilirubinemia in Jehovah’s Witness Newborns as an Alternative to Exchange Transfusion

Objective. The religious convictions of parents who are Jehovah's Witness adherents lead them to reject the use of exchange transfusions as therapy for severe hyperbilirubinemia in newborns in whom intensive phototherapy has failed to control this problem. Consequently, physicians caring for such infants may be obliged to initiate legal action to compel use of the procedure when severe hyperbilirubinemia not sufficiently responsive to phototherapy warrants an exchange transfusion. Our goal was to determine if we could use the potent inhibitor of bilirubin production, Sn-Mesoporphyrin (SnMP), to resolve the troubling medical-legal issues in such situations in 2 infants with hemolytic disease of the newborn who required exchange transfusions for severe hyperbilirubinemia but whose Jehovah's Witness parents rejected the procedure. SnMP was administered in a single dose, as in previous studies, at the time when exchange transfusion would have been initiated and plasma bilirubin levels were monitored at close intervals thereafter. Methods. SnMP is a potent inhibitor of heme oxygenase, the rate-limiting enzyme in catabolism of heme to bilirubin. We found in earlier studies that in single doses of 6 μmol/kg birth weight, SnMP is extremely effective in moderating the course of hyperbilirubinemia and in eliminating the need for supplemental phototherapy in jaundiced newborns. In the 2 cases described, a single dose of SnMP (6 μmol/kg birth weight) was administered intramuscularly to severely jaundiced infants with immune hemolysis at a time when clinical circumstances dictated the need for exchange transfusion. Case 1. This patient was a preterm male infant (gestational age: 35 5/7 weeks; birth weight: 2790 g) whose plasma bilirubin concentration (PBC) at 1 hour after birth was 5.0 mg/dL. Despite intensive phototherapy with 3 banks of lights and 1 biliblanket, the PBC increased steadily with no diminution in the rate of increase for 75 hours. In view of the problems of immune hemolysis, and prematurity, and the inability of phototherapy to stop progression of hyperbilirubinemia, a decision to carry out an exchange transfusion was made; the decision was, however, rejected by the Jehovah's Witness parents. Pending legal action to compel use of the procedure, a request to this (Rockefeller) laboratory for SnMP was made; its use was approved by the Food and Drug Administration; and the inhibitor was delivered to the physician-in-charge (D.P.M.) in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
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