Prediction of spatial distribution on soil surveying values using geostastics methods

Recently, land subsidence and liquefaction are becoming evident. But neither the countermeasure nor research technique have not been established. In order to determine the cause, more detailed comprehension of soil properties is essential; therefore, in this research new-typed Swedish sounding testing machine (the NSWS testing machine), capable of measuring more detailed physical properties of in-ground was utilized and conducted a subsurface investigation at a narrow detailed house at which land subsurface have occurred. Based on the result of the investigation presented physical properties of the in-ground in the plane manner using Kriging method, one of geostatistics methods. Also, the comparison of converted N-value measured by the NSWS and converted N-value estimated by Kriging method is presented to examine the composite capability and benefit of Kriging method and NSWS for simplified on-site verification and re-measurement for reaffirmation (diagonal measurement) in the confined detached house ground.
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