Change propagation analysis of trustworthy requirements based on dependency relations

Change propagation analysis of trustworthy requirements is one of the important activities of trustworthy software evolution. From the perspective of the dependency relations among various trustworthy attributes which are included in trustworthy requirements and between trustworthy requirements and functional requirements, a three-stage analysis framework of trustworthy requirements change propagation is brought forward based on three tiers which are the establishment of Requirements Relation Model, the construction of Requirements Dependency DSM, the measurement and analysis of requirement change propagation influence. The trustworthy requirements variable vector, Trustworthy Requirements Influence Relation Matrix, Requirements Variable Transfer Matrix and Reachability Matrix for trustworthy attributes are used to record the trustworthy requirements changes and the information of requirements change propagation. Based on matrix construction, matrix conversion and matrix calculation, the paper has described and analyzed the concrete realization for change propagation, and has given the influence range for internal trustworthy attributes and the range and extent of the impact for external functional requirements. It is advantage to implement the research of trustworthy software maintenance and level division.
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