Perfil funcional dos pacientes atendidos no setor de fisioterapia neurológica do Promove São Camilo Functional profile of the patients taken care of in the sector of neurological physiotherapy of Promove São Camilo Perfil funcional de los pacientes atendidos en el sector de fisioterapia neurológica del

Individuals with nervous system diseases frequently present sensory-motor and functional independence loss. It is known that patients with the same pathology or similar injuries may present different incapacities; therefore, it is vital that professionals assisting neurological patients evaluate the functional condition of this population to structure a suitable rehabilitation program. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the functional profile of patients with neurological diseases receiving physiotherapeutic treatment in the Centro de Promocao e Reabilitacao em Saude e Integracao Social - PROMOVE Sao Camilo -, verifying whether functional damage was related to injury topography and using for that the scale of Functional Independence Measurement (FIM). The sample was constituted by 93 patients; the most frequent neurological diagnosis was Encephalic Vascular Accident (63%); injuries may be considered chronic (average time since the injury was 73.20 months). FIM average value was 65.81, showing a functionally independent or semidependent population, a classification found in all the analyzed groups (infra- and supratentorial segmental injuries and segmental injuries). As a conclusion, there was no statistically significant differences among FIMs of patients having segmental, suprasegmental injuries and lesions in other regions of the nervous system, suggesting that for the studied population the factor "place of injury" has not interfered in patients functional prognosis. But considering the small FIM obtained, rachimedullary cervical traumatism was the incapacitating disease.
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