Receiver Operating Characteristics for a Prototype Quantum Two-Mode Squeezing Radar

We built and evaluated a prototype quantum radar, which we call a quantum two-mode squeezing (QTMS) radar, in the laboratory. It operates solely at microwave frequencies; there is no downconversion from optical frequencies. Because the signal generation process relies on quantum mechanical principles, the system is considered to contain a quantum-enhanced radar transmitter. This transmitter generates a pair of entangled microwave signals and transmits one of them through free space, where the signal is measured using a simple and rudimentary receiver. At the heart of the transmitter is a device called a Josephson parametric amplifier, which generates a pair of entangled signals called two-mode squeezed vacuums at 6.1445 and 7.5376 GHz. These are then sent through a chain of amplifiers. The 7.5376 GHz beam passes through 0.5 m of free space; the 6.1445 GHz signal is measured directly after amplification. The two measurement results are correlated in order to distinguish signal from noise. We compare our QTMS radar to a classical radar setup using conventional components, which we call a two-mode noise (TMN) radar, and find that there is significant gain when both systems broadcast signals at $-$82 dBm. This is shown via a comparison of receiver operating characteristic curves. In particular, we find that the quantum radar requires eight times fewer integrated samples compared to the TMN radar to achieve the same performance.
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