Carbon-Capture-Ready -Zertifizierung der E.ON-Neubauprojekte ,,Antwerpen und ,,Kraftwerk 50plus durch den TUV NORD

The current new build-projects of power stations in Europe offer the option to replace older power stations by modern units or to commercialize alternate generation technologies. It has, however, to be made sure that the future generation will still be accomplished in a way which is environmentally friendly, economic and reliable. Coal-fired power plants will therefore still maintain their important role in the next power generation portfolio. A significant part of these new build plants has to be put into operation in the near future even though no reliable predictions of future CO 2 -costs exist today. Therefore E.ON takes a future CCS-retrofit into account already during conceptual design of the new build coal fired power plants. The compatibility for a retrofit with a CO 2 -capture plant can now be certified through a "Carbon Capture Ready" audit by TUV NORD, which has developed a protocol of basic requirements. This criteria list ensures that a coal fired power plant, that fulfills all requirements, can be upgraded with a CO 2 -capture plant. For the first time in Europe TUV NORD has implemented this certification at E.ON's new build projects "Antwerp" and "50plus power plant". With this voluntary examination TUV NORD attests E.ON that no technical circumstances will impede the future retrofit of a CO 2 -capture plant in these new build power stations.
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