Characterization of Human Fibroleukin, a Fibrinogen-Like Protein Secreted by T Lymphocytes

We have recently cloned the human homologue of the murine pT49 cDNA ( hpT49h ), a transcript encoding a protein homologous to the β- and γ-chains of fibrinogen. Here, we report the identification of the hpT49h gene product using mAbs generated against a peptide corresponding to the carboxyl-terminal end of the deduced protein and a recombinant protein fragment expressed in Escherichia coli . mAbs 23A6, 7B12, and 3F4 specifically recognized a protein of 70 kDa in reducing SDS-PAGE in the culture supernatant of 293T cells transiently transfected with the full length hpT49h cDNA and freshly isolated PBMC. Under nonreducing conditions, the material migrated with a molecular mass of 250 to 300 kDa, indicating that the 70-kDa protein forms a disulfide bonded complex. Because of its homology with fibrinogen, we have termed this protein fibroleukin. Fibroleukin is spontaneously secreted in vitro by freshly isolated CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes. RT-PCR analysis revealed preferential expression of fibroleukin mRNA in memory T lymphocytes (CD3 + /CD45R0 + ) compared with naive T lymphocytes (CD3 + /CD45RA + ). Fibroleukin production by PBMC was rapidly lost in culture. Production could be partially maintained in the presence of IFN-γ, while T lymphocyte activation had no effect. To demonstrate fibroleukin production in vivo, we analyzed colon mucosa by immunohistology. Fibroleukin staining was detected in the extracellular matrix of the T lymphocyte-rich upper portion of the lamina propria mucosa. While the exact function of fibroleukin remains to be defined, these data suggest that fibroleukin may play a role in physiologic lymphocyte functions at mucosal sites.
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