The role of a state in the development of the innovation technologies in India: experience for Russia

India has rather a high level of cultural dynamics and scientific and technical potential. There is the broad layer of highly qualified specialists, and the authorities pay special attention to R&D. The role of a state in the well-known achievements of India in the sphere of information technologies (the country has become the leader of “outsourcing” revolution) was crucial. The forms of promotion are diverse: the establishment of standard regulations and preferential tax treatment, the creation of special economic zones and software technology parks. The state plays a unique role of catalyst in order to tie up state, private, scientific and foreign institutions. The Indian government makes considerable efforts to strengthen the links of Indian business with the world community. The authorities are also pursuing a number of special programs and incentives to facilitate the interaction between the Indian Diaspora abroad and India to promote information technologies.Russia can learn many lessons from India’s concrete experience. Moreover, the combination of the Russian scientific thought with technological potential of the most advanced Asian countries (like India) can lead to quite a paradoxical situation: the necessary modernization of Russia for stage rapprochement with the North can be carried out on the basis of developing political and economic ties with the South.
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