The bone mineral density of the Egyptian reference women population.

This is a cross-sectional study aiming to determine the bone mineral density of the Egyptian reference women population in comparison to other reference populations (European/US and Lebanese). It also aimed at detecting the prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis in Egyptian women according to the WHO definition based on a curve derived from the bone mineral density of an Egyptian reference sample population instead of the American/Europe curve currently used in practical diagnosis. 1253 cases fulfilling the criteria of inclusion as reference populations were included in the study. Cases were stratified into 7 categories each representing a decade. Bone mineral density values were obtained through Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) measurements at the lumbar spines femur neck and radius. The obtained values were subjected to regression analysis according to age and were compared to values obtained for other reference populations. The collected data was adequate for the establishment of a curve of the Egyptian reference women population at the three major sites: lumbar spines at L2-L4 the femur at the femur neck and the radius at its ultradistal end. In general the Egyptian curve has the same regions as the standard American/European curve. However the Egyptian females have a lower BMD at all the measured sites. The spine BMD at L2-L4 was found to be 93.26% 94.11% and 96.82% of the corresponding regions of the American/European curve. The femur neck values were again 97.52% 97.1% and 94.69% of the corresponding regions of the American/European curve. At the ultradistal end of the radius the Egyptian BMD values were 92.3% and 91.75% of corresponding regions of the American/European curve. The prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis was evaluated according to the American/European as well as the established Egyptian young adult standard values. Applying the Egyptian standards resulted in a significantly lower prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis in L2-L4 and ultradistal end of the radius at several age strata. On the other hand at the femur neck a higher prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis was encountered which was only significant at the 7th decade. Having a national standard for the diagnosis of osteoporosis gives a better estimate of the size of the problem than using a foreign population reference standard. The Egyptian females have a lower peak BMD compared to the US/European standards. This low value is maintained with variable degrees in all age strata throughout all the measured sites. (authors)
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