Antigene peptide nucleic acids inhibit transcription of hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA

highly susceptible to infections owing to immune suppression and frequent blood transfusion. HBV and HCV are both transmitted through blood-to-blood contact; therefore, it is possible to contract both viruses at the same time, or for a person with one of the viruses to be infected with the other virus at a later time. Methods: Serumsampleswere collected from the laboratory for 118 patients who underwent haemodialysis in the Artificial Kidney Unit (AKU) in King Fahad Specialist Hospital. Around 100–120 serum samples will be used in this study. We detected the three viruses using ELISA and quantitative PCR. Findings: Our preliminary results show that all 118 patients were positive for CMV IgG, four patients were positive for CMV IgM, three patients were positive for HBsAg, and 34 were positive for anti-HBc IgG. HBV anti-HBs was detected in 93 patients. In the study group HBC was detected in 15 patients. Quantitative PCR for CMV, HBV, and HCV will be performed and reported. Interpretation: Our results show that frequent screening for blood-borne infection is very important in haemodialysis patients to identify infected patients, to prevent transmission of infection to other patients, and to detect CMV infection in transplant candidates.
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