Crossover from itinerant to localized magnetic excitations through the metal-insulator transition in NaOsO3

NaOsO 3 undergoes a metal-insulator transition (MIT) at 410 K, concomitant with the onset of antiferromagnetic order. The excitation spectra have been investigated through the MIT by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Os L 3 edge. Low resolution ( Δ E ∼ 300 meV ) measurements over a wide range of energies reveal that local electronic excitations do not change appreciably through the MIT. This is consistent with a picture in which structural distortions do not drive the MIT. In contrast, high resolution ( Δ E ∼ 56 meV ) measurements show that the well-defined, low-energy magnons in the insulating state weaken and dampen upon approaching the metallic state. Concomitantly, a broad continuum of excitations develops which is well described by the magnetic fluctuations of a nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid. By revealing the continuous evolution of the magnetic quasiparticle spectrum as it changes its character from itinerant to localized, our results provide unprecedented insight into the nature of the MIT in NaOsO 3 . In particular, the presence of weak correlations in the paramagnetic phase implies a degree of departure from the ideal Slater limit.
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