Central and peripheral nervous system involvement in neuromelioidosis

We report a case of a 33-year-old Sri Lankan man who presented with flaccid quadriparesis with brainstem signs and acute motor axonal polyneuropathy. MRI of the brain showed multiple abscesses with ring enhancement seen predominantly in the brainstem and upper cervical cord. The patient was initially treated with intravenous immunoglobulin, considering this to be a form of Guillain-Barre syndrome. Cerebrospinal fluid, however, showed lymphocytic pleocytosis with raised protein. Tests for Brucella , tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis and HIV were negative. Chest X-ray revealed a cavity in the left lung, which, on bronchoscopy, showed a collection of purulent secretions. Culture of these secretions grew Burkholderia pseudomallei . The patient was treated with two courses of intravenous antibiotics, with resultant radiological improvement; however, with significant morbidity.
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