Diferencias cuantitativas entre sistemas constructivos in situ y prefabricados para losas de entrepiso como soporte para la toma de decisiones

Few academic researches in Colombia establish quantitatively the viabibity of implementing prefabricated solutions in Colombian constructions and contribute to improve the decision-making process for the productive sector. The state of the art of the use of prefabricated systems in construction is basically limited to a qualitative analysis, which only lists the advantages and disadvantages of the use of prefabricated concrete. In this paper, the author examines some patterns in mezzanine floor slabs design and construction, which are commonly used in both traditional and prefabricated systems. Through Porter’s concept of value chain and the Delphi methodology, they describe and generate quantitative patterns for each defined parameter in order to create tools to support decision-making. These indicators show that using prefabricated solutions rather than in situ or traditional ones is more convenient. This fact considers the application of such solutions in Colombian constructions as something positive. Therefore, it is necessary to broaden the circulation of knowledge and adjust current rules that place prefabricated concrete as a valuable element, just like any of the ones currently used.
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