Toxicological Evaluation/Verification of Decontamination Procedures/Products from Alternative Technologies for Chemical Demilitarization: Department of Transportation (DOT) Test Results for a Mustard (HD) Wastestream

Abstract : The Alternative Technology Program was tasked by Congress to research for an acceptable procedure other than incineration to reduce the U.S. Army's mustard (HD) stockpile to non-toxic and hazardous waste. The search for this best destruction method has resulted in the selection of a HD water reaction in which HD is reacted with 90 deg C water to form water, thiodiglycol, and salts. This reaction can then be biodegraded and disposed of. To complete the acceptance for this decontamination method, animal tests were conducted according to DoT (CFR 49) required procedures in rats (orally) and rabbits (dermally) . The reacted HD water by-products produced no deaths in either species, and there were no observable toxic effects and no dermal irritation in rabbits. Therefore, for purposes of the DoT regulations, this material is a Category III material for packaging purposes, but these final results must also be confirmed by the inhalation route in rats.
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