Incorporating Condensational Heating into a Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Model Based on a Hybrid Isentropic–Sigma Vertical Coordinate

Using isentropic coordinates in atmospheric models has the advantage of eliminating the cross-coordinate vertical mass flux for adiabatic flow, and virtually eliminating the associated numerical error in the vertical transport. This is a significant benefit since much of the flow in the atmosphere is approximately adiabatic. Nonadiabatic processes, such as condensational heating, result in a nonzero vertical velocity _ u in isentropic coordinates. A method for incorporating condensational heating into a nonhydrostatic atmospheric model basedonahybridisentropic‐sigmaverticalcoordinateispresented.Themodelistestedwithvarious2Dmoist simulations and the results are compared with those using a traditional terrain-following, height-based sigma coordinate.Withthehybridcoordinate,thereareimprovementsintherepresentationofthedevelopingcloud field in a mountain wave experiment. In a simulation of deep convection, the adaptive hybrid coordinate successfully simulates the turbulent nature of the convection, while maintaining the quasi-Lagrangian nature of the isentropic coordinate in the surrounding dry air. The vertical cross-coordinate mass flux is almost zero in the environmental air, as well as in the stratosphere above the convective tower.
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