Validation of scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and gamma spectrometry to verify source nuclear material for safeguards purposes

Ten ore samples, two unpurified yellow cake samples and natural uranyl nitrate hexahydrate sample were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) method to verify source nuclear material. Samples represent source nuclear material as possible. All samples were scanned at ideal conditions; working distance = 10 mm, voltage = 30 kV, magnification value = × 100, spot size = 50 to screen samples for the presence of uranium and thorium, Also Hyper pure germanium (HPGe) gamma spectrometers were applied to estimate the uranium and thorium contents in Bq/kg (ppm). For the ore samples uranium-238 ranges from 1,049.23 Bq/kg (85.30 ppm) to 2,096.06 Bq/kg (170.41 ppm), uranium-235 ranges from 47.51 to 105.61 Bq/kg and thorium-232 ranges from 22.84 Bq/kg (5.65 ppm) to 41.78 Bq/kg (10.34 ppm). For the yellow cake samples and uranyl nitrate hexahydrate uranium-238 ranges from 42.99 Bq/kg (3.50 ppm) to 71,887.2 Bq/kg (5,844.49 ppm) and thorium-232 is 4.78 Bq/kg (1.83 ppm) and the other two samples are lower than the detection limit.
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