To quantum or not to quantum: towards algorithm selection in near-term quantum optimization

The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) constitutes one of the often mentioned candidates expected to yield a quantum boost in the era of near-term quantum computing. In practice, quantum optimization will have to compete with cheaper classical heuristic methods, which have the advantage of decades of empirical domain-specific enhancements. Consequently, to achieve optimal performance we will face the issue of algorithm selection, well-studied in practical computing. Here we introduce this problem to the quantum optimization domain. Specifically, we study the problem of detecting those problem instances of where QAOA is most likely to yield an advantage over a conventional algorithm. As our case study, we compare QAOA against the well-understood approximation algorithm of Goemans and Williamson (GW) on the Max-Cut problem. As exactly predicting the performance of algorithms can be intractable, we utilize machine learning to identify when to resort to the quantum algorithm. We achieve cross-validated accuracy well over 96\%, which would yield a substantial practical advantage. In the process, we highlight a number of features of instances rendering them better suited for QAOA. While we work with simulated idealised algorithms, the flexibility of ML methods we employed provides confidence that our methods will be equally applicable to broader classes of classical heuristics, and to QAOA running on real-world noisy devices.
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