Substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction (CMR) and other substances of concern in consumer products. Identification of relevant substances and articles, analytical control and consequences for the regulation of chemicals; Karzinogene, mutagene, reproduktionstoxische (CMR) und andere problematische Stoffe in Produkten. Identifikation relevanter Stoffe und Erzeugnisse, Ueberpruefung durch Messungen, Regelungsbedarf im Chemikalienrecht

This project refers to chemical substances in consumer articles, which are of concern with regard to human health or the environment. The current status is analysed (What substances of concern occur in what articles?) and the expected changes due to the new European chemicals regulation of REACH are discussed. First, the term ''substances of concern'' has to be defined. Based on this, a differentiated list of substances of concern is developed (Master List). A detailed analysis of relevant problematic substances and their occurrence is performed for selected industries and product groups or materials. The selected areas are: toys, electric and electronic devices, as well as floor and wall coverings. Specific lists of substances are generated with substances of concern for these industries or product groups. Many substances of concern occur in more than one industry or product group if identical materials are used. By means of the example of ''polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons'' (PAHs), a detailed analysis is performed for a group of substances occurring in many consumer articles. The current regulation under REACH for PAHs is currently not sufficiently addressing human health concern. (orig.)
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