Two Genetic Types of Pseudotachylytes

The study of two varieties of pseudotachylytes (PST) in granitoids of the Riphean complex on the Barents Sea coast of the Kola Peninsula (Rybachii and Srednii peninsulas) and in metapsammite of the Paleoproterozoic complex in the Northern Ladoga region by a few independent analytical methods has made it possible to establish that they belong to different genetic forms, such as mechanically crushed rocks and melting products, respectively. As for the melting differences, we have given a detailed description of the mineral and material transformations of the original rock into the PST glass matrix and obtained evidence for the initial melting out of the micaceous eutectics with its subsequent shift to the granite type. The conclusion has been made on the most likely formation of molten PST due to frictional rock melting under rapid rise of its blocks from a depth of 12–15 km to the crustal surface (less than 3 km) along the faults of presumably seismogenic nature. It is suggested that crushing and frictional melting can be complementary, rather than mutually exclusive processes, and the formation of molten PST is commonly preceded by the mechanical rock crushing stage.
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