IUTAM symposium on Physicochemical and electromechanical interactions in porous media

Foreword Acknowledgments List of Participants Part I MICROMECHANICS: Bones Have Ears: An Application of Bone Poroelasticity, by Stephen C. Cowin Representative Microstructure Finite Elements for Collagen Gels, by Preethi L. Chandran and Victor H. Barocas. Part II COUPLING AND WAVES: Viscous Effects in Particulates, by J. Carlos Santamarina, Julio R. Valdes, Angelica M. Palomino and Jose Alvarellos Pore Roughness Effects on High-Frequency Permeability, by David Smeulders, Andrea Cortis, Jean Luc Guermond and Denis Lafarge Influence of High-Frequency Acoustic Waves on the Flow of a Liquid through Porous Material: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, by Pietro Poesio and Gijs Ooms. Part III NUMERICAL SIMULATION: Large Strain Analysis of 3-D Viscoelastic Swelling of Charged Tissues and Gels, by Wolfgang Ehiers, Bernd Markert and Ayhan Acarturk Theoretical and Finite Element Models for Coupled Electro-Mechano Chemica Transport in Soft Tissues, by Bruce R. Simon, Gregg A. Radtke, Zun P. Liu, Paul H. Rigby and Stuart K. Williams Physicochemical and Electromechanical Interactions Porous Effects in the Description of the Dynamics of Granular Avalanches, by Shiva P. Pudasaini, Yongqi Wang and Kolumban Hutter A Multiphase Approach for the Analysis of Hygro-Thermo-ChemoMechanical Interactions in Concrete at Early Ages and at High Temperature, by Dariusz Gawin, Francesco Pesavento and Bernard A. Schrefler Study of Drying Shrinkage Cracking by Lattice Gas Automaton and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope, by Dragana Jankovic. Part IV ELECTROMECHANICS AND SWELLING: Osmotic Transport through Clays and Capsules, by John D. Sherwood and Frederic Risso Electrokinetics in Random Deformable Porous Media, by Jozef Joachim Telega and Ryszard Wojnar Chemoporoelastic Parameter Identification of a Reactive Shale, by Emmanuel Detournay, Joel Sarout, Chee Tan and Jean Caurel Measurements of Deformations and Electrical Potentials in a Charged Porous Medium,by Arjan J.H. Frijns, Jacques M. Huyghe and Marcel W Wijlaars Incorporating Chemical Effects in a Porothermoelastic Formulation and Application to Inclined Boreholes, by Shailesh Ekbote and Younane Abousleiman. Part V MAGNETIC RESONANCE: Ion Transport and Crystallization in Porous Materials as Studied by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, by Leo Pel, Henk P. Huinink and Klaas Kopinga Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Water and Ionic Mobilities within Suspensions of Charged Anisotropic Colloids, by Alfred Delville and Patrice Porion. Part VI TWO POROSITIES: A Chemo-Mechanical Model for Articular Cartilage, by Fernando M.F Simoes and Benjamin Loret A Dual Porosity Model for Contaminant Transport in Expansive Clays, by Marcio A. Murad and Christian Moyne. Part VII DIFFUSION, DISPERSION AND ADSORPTION: On Adsorption and Diffusion in Microstructured Porous Media, by Pasquale Giovine Effect of Water Volume Fraction on Electrical Conductivity and Ion Diffusivity in Agarose Gels, by Wei Yong Gu, Hai Yao and Adriana L. Vega Hydrodynamic Dispersion and Chemical Reaction in Porous Media: The Use of Space Like Coordinates, by David E. Smiles Development of a Finite Element Approach to Mechanics, Transport and Biosynthesis in Tissue Engineering, by Bram G. Sengers, Rolf A.A. Pullens, Cees WJ. Oomens and Frank P.T. Baaijens Transport Across Single and Series Arrays of Membranes, by Peter Raats. Part VIII MICROSTRUCTURE: A Second Gradient Model for Deformable Porous Matrices Filled with an Inviscid Fluid, by Fransesco dell'Isola, Guilio Sciarra and Romesh C. Batra Relationship between Pore Structure and Fluid Transport in Argillaceous Rocks, by Alexander Hildenbrand, Bernhard M. Krooss and Janos L. Urai. Part IX ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES: Towards a Better Understanding of the Electromagnetic Properties of Soils, by Katherine Klein and Yu-Hsing Wang Porous Media Evaluation Using Frequency-Dependent Electrokinetics, by Philip M. Reppert and Taufiquar R. Khan. Part X
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