[The advantages of combined US-fluoroscopic guidance in the drainage of abdominal abscesses].

: The authors report their experience with 19 percutaneous drainages of abdominal abscesses in 19 patients. Six collections were in the subphrenic spaces, 6 in the liver, 1 in the infracolic space, 2 in the psoas muscle, 3 within the abdominal wall, and 1 in the pararenal space. Their etiology was abdominal surgery in 10 patients, biliary obstruction in 1, and trauma in 2; in the extant patients a hematogenous infection was supposed. The procedures were performed under combined US and fluoroscopic guidance, following Seldinger technique in all but two cases. Van Sonnenberg double-lumen sump catheter was successfully employed in all cases. After a review of the technique the authors discuss the advantages of US-fluoroscopic over CT guidance. The latter is preferred if the collection is not well demonstrated by US and in the cases where a posterior approach is needed. The economic advantages of US-fluoroscopic over CT guidance are also stressed.
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