Современные тенденции заболеваемости взрослого населения Кабардино-Балкарской республики

Dynamics to growth of disease adult population in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is revealed. The leading place is occupied illnesses of blood circulation system (16,7 %), respiratory organs (14,3 %), digestive organs (10,3 %), urinogenital system (9,6 %). This tendencies allow to define priority directions work by public health services. Data of our research has revealed that the basic classes of the diseases which share in structure of the general and primary disease for the studied period has changed a little participate in formation of indicators of disease of population Kabardino-Balkarian Republic some. In connection with the developed mediko-demographic tendencies, in the country, and also in Kabardino-Balkarian Republic the particular interest represents a condition of disease of the population is more senior able-bodied age. The structure analysis in the given age category has shown for the first time to the revealed disease, a share of illnesses of system of blood circulation (10,0 %) twice above, than among adult population as a whole. Prevailing in the given class are cerebrovascular diseases (34,4 %), and hypertensive illness (25,9 %). At this conjuncture the special urgency is got by monitoring researches of the health, allowing to analyze and in due time to plan treatment-and-prophylactic actions in system of public health services of republic.
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