High resolution middle infrared spectrometer, a part of atmospheric chemistry suite (ACS) for EXOMARS 2016 trace gas orbiter

The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) package is a part of Russian contribution to ExoMars ESARoscosmos mission for studies of the Martian atmosphere and climate. ACS consists of three separate infrared spectrometers, sharing common mechanical, electrical, and thermal interfaces. The mid-infrared (MIR) channel is a cross-dispersion high resolution echelle instrument dedicated to solar occultation measurements and sensitive studies of trace gases. The MIR channel is a spectrometer working in 2.3−4.2 μm spectral range, covering simultaneously up to almost 300 nm per exposure, targeting the resolving power of 50,000. A crossdispersion concept on echelle and ordinary diffraction grating allows acquisition of the wide wavelength domain at once. That provides a strategic advantage for maximizing the number of gaseous species detected simultaneously and good special resolution of measurements during fast occultation sessions. Moving the second grating allows to switch from one group of the diffraction orders to another prior to a series of measurements, or desired positions during one measurement sequence. The concept of the cross-dispersion echelle instrument, which is widely accepted in astronomy, has been already employed in planetary missions with VIRTIS-H instrument presently in flight on Rosetta and Venus Express missions. Targeting very high spectral resolution the MIR channel operates in solar occultation only. A telescope with relative aperture of 1r3 forms the image of the solar disk on the slit. The FOV is determined by the slit and it consists 0.1×2.9 mrad. The spectral resolution of the spectrometer is fully slit-limited, and the resolving power of λ/∆λ ≥ 50000 at 3.3 μm is supported. Two secondary cross-dispersion diffraction gratings (plain, 180 and 361 grooves per mm) are mounted back-to-back on a stepper motor to change observed echelle orders. We have chosen two secondary gratings philosophy to switch between them depending on the long or short wavelength range we are on. Changing the position of the secondary grating in angular steps of 1.8°, from 10 to 30 echelle orders are available for simultaneous record depending on the wavelength. 100 steps are evidently used to switch between gratings prior measurements. The full spectral range is covered on diffraction orders from 142 to 248. For each observation detector area is covered by 10 to 30 stripes, each corresponding to single echelle diffraction order. Given the complexity of the diffraction orders pattern, full detector frames will be transmitted to the ground, with lossless compression. However, the onboard averaging will be possible. Single data frame will be accumulated for 0.5 seconds, stacking of a number of shorter exposures.
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