Agri-Horticultural System for Household Livelihood - A Case Study

Integration of fruit crops in croplands is referred to as agri-horticultural landuse system of Agroforestry. Research experiences at NRCAF Jhansi, indicated economic feasibility of agrihorti landuse system on marginal lands under rain fed conditions of Budelkhand regions. In order to test field applicability of agrihorti landuse system on farmer’s field, one farmer namely Shri Tijju of village & post Karari, Jhansi, located 12 km away from Jhansi city was selected. Farmer planted Aonla, Ber, Guava, and Pomegranate on his field. As much, 40 plants of each fruit crop were planted in year 1993-94 in an area of 2.5 acre. Observations on impact of agrihorti land use and agri-horticulture system of agroforestry as source of household livelihood have recorded and presented in this case study. In the year 2003, on an average yield of groundnut and wheat was 1.00 and 2.40 tonnes/ha. Production obtained from Guava and Aonla was 748 and 415 kg/ha. The annual net income obtained by the farmer was Rs.11,715/ha. While prior to the adoption of agroforestry technologies, the farmer used to get net income of Rs. 3,400/ha. After ten years of adoption of agrihorticulture technology, Tijju started obtaining fuel wood, fodder, fruit, small timber and food grains from the same piece of the land, while before 1993-94, his wife used to walk 3 to 4 kilometer in the search of fuel wood collection. His standard of living increased considerably. He got better food and clothing, constructed a pucca house and well, cemented irrigation channels and purchased a moped bike. Recovered himself from the loans took from Bank, and from village landlord. Full time employment was provided to Tijju and his wife. He was very much regular in attending the extension activities such as Kisan Mela, Kisan Gosthi and Farmers’ days organized by various government and non-government organizations at different places in district and in neighboring district. The farmer preferred for agrihorti landuse system over sole cropping. Aonla based agrihorti system is highly profitable and sustainable as aonla is a regular bearer and exerts comparatively less affect on associated crop and requires low management and inputs.
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