Fine root biomass and dynamics in beech forests across a precipitation gradient – is optimal resource partitioning theory applicable to water‐limited mature trees?

Summary Optimal resource partitioning theory predicts that plants should increase the ratio between water absorbing and transpiring surfaces under short water supply. An increase in fine root mass and surface area relative to leaf area has frequently been found in herbaceous plants, but supporting evidence from mature trees is scarce and several results are contradictory. In 12 mature Fagus sylvatica forests across a precipitation gradient (820–540 mm yr−1), we tested several predictions of the theory by analysing the dependence of standing fine root biomass, fine root production and fine root morphology on mean annual precipitation (MAP), the precipitation of the study year, and stand structural and edaphic variables. The water storage capacity of the soil (WSC) was included as a covariable by comparing pairs of stands on sandy (lower WSC) and loam-richer soils (higher WSC). Fine root biomass, total fine root surface area, fine root production and the fine root : leaf biomass production ratio markedly increased with reduced MAP and precipitation in the study year, while WSC was only a secondary factor and stand structure had no effect. The precipitation effect on fine root biomass and production was more pronounced in stands on sandy soil with lower WSC, which had, at equal precipitation, a higher fine root biomass and productivity than stands on loam-richer soil. The high degree of allocational plasticity in mature F. sylvatica trees contrasts with a low morphological plasticity of the fine roots. On the more extreme sandy soils, a significant decrease in mean fine root diameter and increase in specific root area with decreasing precipitation were found; a similar effect was absent on the loam-richer soils. Synthesis. In support of optimal partitioning theory, mature Fagus sylvatica trees showed a remarkable allocational plasticity as a long-term response to significant precipitation reduction with a large increase in the size and productivity of the fine root system, while only minor adaptive modifications occurred in root morphology. More severe summer droughts in a future warmer climate may substantially alter the above-/below-ground C partitioning of this tree species with major implications for the forest C cycle.
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