Relações Entre o Relevo e Agroecossistemas na Ecorregião Paraná-Guimarães (The Relationship Between Relief and the Agroecossystems in Paraná-Guimarães Ecoregion)

O relevo e um dos fatores que formam a paisagem, fundamental para analise da cobertura da terra e o planejamento ambiental. Dentro deste contexto se insere o presente trabalho cujo objetivo e apresentar as relacoes entre os padroes de relevo e a organizacao espacial dos agroecossistemas de bacias hidrograficas representativas da ecorregiao do Parana-Guimaraes, localizadas no Sudoeste Goiano: Paranaiba, Peixe, Bonito, Diamantino, Bois e Claro. O mapeamento das unidades de relevo consistiu na utilizacao de cenas da missao Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) e posteriormente a classificacao supervisionada para delimitacao dos compartimentos de relevo. Para integracao das informacoes obtidas do relevo com os dados geologicos e de uso e cobertura da terra, foram utilizadas a base do acervo EIBH e do SIEG, respectivamente. Foi possivel identificar oito unidades de relevo dentro da area de estudo: Planalto Residual (15,53%), Planalto Parcialmente Denudado (6,20%), Mesa (1,43%), Frente de Recuo Erosivo (7,60%), Rampas de Coluvio (7,45%), Depressao Intraplanaltica (22,80%), Depressao Dissecada (35,35%) e Planicie Fluvial (3,64%). De modo geral, em todas as unidades de relevo se verificou a relacao existente com as unidades geologicas e com as classes de uso e cobertura da terra. A Depressao Dissecada sobre a Formacao Adamantina dominam as coberturas formadas por pastagens cultivadas e constitui a unidade mais representativa em termos de area e delimitacao da paisagem. Por outro lado, no Planalto Residual e no Planalto Parcialmente Denudado sobre a Formacao Cachoeirinha e as Coberturas Arenosas Indiferenciadas predominam a cobertura agricola. O estudo mostrou que a acao antropica predomina sobre relevos planos e continuos. Porcoes com declividade elevada predominam a cobertura de cerrado em funcao das limitacoes de outros tipos de uso. Conclui-se que a abordagem utilizada de mapeamento do relevo constitui uma importante ferramenta nos estudos de paisagem. Normal 0 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman",serif; mso-ansi-language:PT-BR; mso-fareast-language:PT-BR;} A B S T R A C T The relief is one of the factors of landscape, fundamental for the analysis of land cover and environmental planning. This study presents the relationship between the relief patterns and spatial organization of agro-ecosystems in representative watersheds of the Parana-Guimaraes ecoregion, located in Southwest Goias: Paranaiba, Peixe, Bonito, Diamantino, Bois and Claro. The mapping of landscape units was the use of Shuttle mission scenes Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and later the supervised classification for delimitation of the relevant compartments. For integration of information obtained relief with geological data and use and land cover were used to base the EIBH acquis and the SIEG, respectively. Was identified eight relevant units within the study area: Residual Plateau (15.53%), Partly Denudated Plateau (6.20%), Mesa (1.43%), Erosive Front (7.60%), Colluvial Ramps (7.45%), Intraplanaltic Depression (22.80%), Dissected Depression (35.35%) and Plain River (3.64%). In general, in all relevant relief units was found the relationship with the geological units and the land use and land cover classes. In the Dissected Depression on Adamantina Formation dominates cultivated pastures is the most representative unit in terms of area and delimitation of the landscape. On the other hand, the Residual Plateau and Partly Denudated Plateau on Cachoeirinha Formation and Cobertura Arenosa predominate agricultural coverage. The study showed that human action predominates over continuous and plan relief. Cerrado cover predominates on portions with a high slope due to the limitations of other use types. The study concludes that the relief mapping approach used is an important tool in landscape studies. Key words : geomorphology, land use and land cover, landscape
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