Excitonic complexes in MOCVD-grown GaAs-based quantum dots emitting at telecom wavelengths

We present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure and optical properties of excitonic complexes in strain-engineered InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by MOCVD and emitting at the 1310 nm telecommunication window. Binding energies of excitonic complexes as well as the fine structure of the neutral exciton including dark excitonic states are determined experimentally by means of polarization-resolved microphotoluminescence and magneto-spectroscopy. Experimental results on a number of single QDs are compared with the results of electronic structure modelling employing the 8-band kp theory combined with the configuration interaction method. Realistic system parameters including QD geometry and composition gradients have been used following the cross-sectional structural data, which allowed for a quantitative agreement between the experimental data and the theoretical results. Understanding the influence of structural parameters as QD size and compositions, of both, the nanostructure itself and the neighboring strain reducing layer, shows which of them are crucial to control the emission wavelength and to achieve the telecommunication spectral range and which on the other hand, affect predominantly the energy separation of the ground state excitonic complexes. The main determinant of the exciton ground state energy and the binding energies of excitonic complexes including their energetic order appeared to be the indium composition in the QDs. The results allow gaining deeper knowledge on limitations of the investigated structures in terms of good spectral isolation of individual optical transitions, the spatial confinement regime and thermal stability of emission from individual QD states. All these are crucial in view of QD applications in single-photon sources of high purity at telecom wavelengths.
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