GRAFEC: A New Spanish Program to Investigate Waste Management Options for Radioactive Graphite - 12399

Spain has to manage about 3700 tons of irradiated graphite from the reactor Vandellos I as radioactive waste. 2700 tons are the stack of the reactor and are still in the reactor core waiting for retrieval. The rest of the quantities, 1000 tons, are the graphite sleeves which have been already retrieved from the reactor. During operation the graphite sleeves were stored in a silo and during the dismantling stage a retrieval process was carried out separating the wires from the graphite, which were crushed and introduced into 220 cubic containers of 6 m 3 each and placed in interim storage. The graphite is an intermediate level radioactive waste but it contains long lived radionuclides like 14 C which disqualifies disposal at the low level waste repository of El Cabril. Therefore, a new project has been started in order to investigate two new options for the management of this waste type. The first one is based on a selective decontamination of 14 C by thermal methods. This method is based on results obtained at the Research Centre Julich (FZJ) in the Frame of the EC programs “Raphael” and “Carbowaste. The process developed at FZJ is based on a preferential oxidation of 14 C in comparison to the bulk 12 C [1, 2, 3, 4,5]. Explanations for this effect are the inhomogeneous distribution and a weaker bounding of 14 C which is not incorporated in the graphite lattice. However these investigations have only been performed with graphite from the high temperature reactor Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor Julich AVR which has been operated in a non-oxidising condition or research reactor graphite operated at room temperature. The reactor Vandellos I has been operated with CO2 as coolant and significant amounts of graphite have been already oxidised. The aim of the project is to validate whether a 14 C decontamination can also been achieved with graphite from Vandellos I. A second possibility under investigation is the encapsulation of the graphite in a long term stable glass matrix. The principal applicability has been already proved by FNAG [6, 7]. Crushed graphite mixed with a suitable glass powder has been pressed at elevated temperature under vacuum. The vacuum is required to avoid gas enclosures in the obtained product. The obtained products, named IGM for “Impermeable Graphite Matrix”, have densities above 99% of theoretical density. The amount of glass has been chosen with respect to the pore volume of the former graphite parts. The method allows the production of encapsulated graphite without increasing the disposal volume. This paper will give a short overview of characterisation results of different irradiated graphite materials obtained at CIEMAT and in the Carbowaste project as well as the proposed methods and the actual status of the program including first results about leaching of non-radioactive IGM
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