El desarrollo de la resistencia en los árbitros profesionales de fútbol

The referee´ s main physical characteristic is endurance, due to he must constantly move around the game field; hence, the need of him having an adequate physical training and great physical endurance. Nationally, these people prepare themselves in different categories, but still there is no plan of elementary training to be developed in every referee association in the country. Their physical training level constantly fails, showed in applied evaluations. Given the importance of this group within the correct sports development more scientific studies are needed, where the soccer referees physical condition is assessed; specially that of the endurance capacity. So, the objective of this work is aimed at systematizing the theoretical and methodological assumptions to develop endurance in soccer professional referees. As conclusion it is stated the need to train endurance to bear the effort it takes to referee, function which is accomplished with the objective to higher their performance capacity during the game; also, to recover from training as fast as possible. Likewise, to increase the rigor of matches decreasing the chances of injuries, this will allow a bigger concentration in the game.
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