The Import Shipment Dwelling Time Comparison Before And After Using Pusat Logistik Berikat (PLB) or The Bonded Logistics Center Facility

PT. Agility International is a company that provides Freight Forwarding, Transportation, Warehousing and Supply Chain Management services worldwide. The subject that occur is the high dwelling time on shipment of raw material import and packaging material. The purpose of this re-search is to know whether there is dwelling time decrease after PT. Agility International uses Pusat Logistik Berikat (PLB) or The Bonded Lo-gistics Center facility granted by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise in handling the import shipment of raw materials and packaging material belonging to PT. XYZ. It was found that dwelling time on imported shipment not yet using The Bonded Logistics Center facility is 4,8379 days and on import shipment which have been using The Bonded Logistics Center facility 3,1428 days which means the use of PLB or The Bonded Logistics Center facility can decrease dwelling time equal to 1.69517 days or 1 day 16 hours 41 minutes.
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