Immunohistochemical demonstration of mitochondria in routinely processed tissue using a monoclonal antibody.

We report results obtained using the monoclonal antibody M-II 68, which recognizes inner mitochondrial membrane in routinely processed (formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded) tissue by light microscopic immurtohisiochemistry. In ten normal brains, the range of immunoreactivity in various cell types and locations was defined. The most intense staining was observed in Purkinje cells, in neurons of cranial nerve nuclei, pons and substantia nigra, as well as in choroid plexus epithelial cells. By comparison with this control group, one case of primary mitochondrial encephalomyopathy exhibited increased staining of endothelial and vascular smooth muscle ceils, choroid plexus epithelial cells, and neurons of various locations. Scattered ragged-red fibres were heavily Labelled in one case of mitochondrial myopathy, while ten muscles without mitochondriopathy were left unstained. Our method is able to detect accumulations of mitochondria and increases in mitochondrial cristae density. It could prove useful for diferential diagnosis of routine biopsy material and for clarification of cell types involved in mitochondrial cytopathies.
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